Never Mind the Bollards: Friends of High Town Meeting, January 2014

As an occasional listener of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, I am always reminded of ‘Thought for the Day’, the curiously annoying daily religious segment, by the acronym for our local residents’ group, the Friends of High Town (or FoHT), whose first meeting of 2014 took place last night on High Town Road. Indeed, local friend Grumbly Bob and I devised our own theme tune to Thought for the Day, to the tune of ‘Egg on Your Face’:

Thought for the Day, Thought for the Day/
Get your thinking out the way: it’s Thought for the Day!

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On Not Having ‘soLUTiONs’: first of a probably regular series

The wanderer returns. Or rather: the slightly dilettante writer with a busy life returns to the blog at hand, to Luton (after a brief foray over into that there Europe) and to ‘normal life’, which is a somewhat irregular affair for me in 2013: I’m taking a ‘year out’ of sorts, to work on my PhD and train as a Rolfer, chiefly; and to explore and develop a number of my other interests, such as getting involved with the new Luton Foodbank; with the local hospice charity, Keech; and agreeing (just this morning) to run my first half-marathon. So apologies for the long service disruption to Yoga World & Pesto, and I thank the many of you who asked me where I had gone. 

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High Town Road and the Broken Windows Theory

Yoga World & Pesto notes in passing the sad demise of This ‘N’ That, the esoteric buying-and-selling shop on High Town Road that was Luton’s go-to for both buying and selling, and – if official police signage is anything to go by (and one has to suspect it is*) – a laundering mechanism for stolen goods. Ah well. The sign was probably the best thing about This ‘N’ That (We buy. We sell.) and mercifully, that remains.

This 'N' That. They Bought. They Sold.

This ‘N’ That. They Bought. They Sold.

police sign on shop window

… not any more.

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